Friday, October 10, 2008


Since last Saturday I have been brewing my first batch of Kombucha. Kombucha is a fermented beverage that contains a plethora of good bacteria that improves the digestion system. These bacteria are cultivated by a Kombucha fungus. The process to create Kombucha involves preparing a gallon of sweetened tea, I used a mix of green, black and fruit teas along with honey and turbinado sugar. Then a Kombucha culture is added along with a bit of the "mother tea", which is a small amount of the Kombucha from the last batch. After all the ingredients are added, place in a warm, quiet spot and wait approximately 10 days or when the Kombucha's taste is to your liking. The longer the fermentation time, the more acidic it will become. After the desired taste is reached, remove the cultures, there will be a new one on top, along with a small amount of the liquid and start a new batch or keep in a small jar until ready to use. It contains less than .5% alcohol and can do wonders for your health. I have been drinking store bought Kombucha to add much need antioxidants to combat the below average amount of cigarette smoke at work.
