Sunday, July 20, 2008

Homemade salt

Before I began this diet. I knew there would a few exceptions I would have to make. One of them being the water and the other salt. I still consume salt in my locally made items, such as Calder Dairy butter or Zingerman's Creamery cheeses. All the salt I add to my food will be home processed from raw rock salt. The salt comes from the mines below Detroit.

The process we used to clarify the salt was very simple.

First we took raw salt from Detroit.

Then we dissolved the salt in boiling water, and cooled the salt water until it recrystallized. My dad, a chemist at Dow Chemical, says that by not forcing the salt to recrystallize makes it safe to eat. I'll take his word on this...

Then we spread the crystallized salt on to a tray and dried it in the sun.


Ingrid said...

How cool is that! It's something I hadn't thought of when you began this. Good thing you have your Dad to help with these details.

Juliet said...

So where does one pick up this local salt? Do you have to go down there and dig it up yourself? I understand that the salt mines are a mile below the city. Does this mile count in your calculation as one or two (because you have to come back up)? Just a wondering... I knew there were some exceptions and I was wondering how that worked.